Friday, March 17, 2006

who does haper think he is?

I don't get it. WHO does harper think he is? I just read this article from titled "Harper tightens leash on his ministers: report". (article link)

I knew this would happen from the beginning. harper hired a PR firm to help him win the election, and they won. well PR firms are known to twist and basically lie, in representing their clients. did you know Hitler tried to hire a PR firm, but the firm he requested turned him down.

Tory cabinet ministers have generally refused to grant interviews to reporters, providing only terse and often vague responses to questions outside cabinet meetings"

This is the sole reason why I do not like Harper. People voted out Paul Martin, becuase his party was unethical? I don't think so.

Did you also know conservative MPs couldn't comment on anything that was outside their election platform binder?-this was evident when I sat in a local debate and the conservative MP declined to comment on several issues.

Canadians need to jump on the conservative party. Harper cannot decide what he can and CANNOT comment on. this is ridiculous. he is running this country like an autocracy. firing the ethics commissioner, refusing to operate with he commissioner becuase "he" doesn't want, so tell me, when would an harper want to cooperate with the ethics commissioner investigating into his party? -oh only when its proping up the his party?

ARGHH I'm so frustrated at this party.


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