Thursday, August 10, 2006

are Canadians deaf and blind?

Canadians decided to re-elect a party with the greatest hidden agenda this country has ever seen.

>Hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on PR, buying Harper new outfits to make him look more personable.

>Inproperly collected regrations fees, which should have been donations

>shifting 5 priorities, health care wait times is no longer the "5th priority", its been replaced by "stregthening Canada domestically and internationally"

>lies, lies lies,

>Disrepecting our fallen soliediers (not lowering the flag) which the conservatives backed off, because they knew they were wrong

>shifting Canada's neutral stand

>more Canadians dying in Afganistan

This government has got to go. They are playing games, by trying to reduce the liberal war machine by passing laws like water that restrict party donations, trying to bankrupt the liberal party. these are the games this party is playing.

Please someone, answer me this question? how did they ever win?


At 4:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because in a Democratic nation people get to vote liars and thieves out of office. They also get to vote out of office those who told them that a vote for the other guy was un-Canadian. They also got tired of people like yourself who, when not winning elections claim the "people" must be deaf dumb and blind for voting for the other guy. I cant even imagine for one minute what goes through someones head who actually believes that his party is the ONLY party, and thinks that voters who dont vote for HIS party must be of lesser intellect than him...!
You'll win more elections when you come to grips with the fact that the voters are never wrong. Your welcome.

At 6:03 AM, Blogger wilson said...

'how did they ever win?'

The silent majority was fed up with:
-Child porn is 'artistic expression'.
-Laws are made to protect the guilty.
-Everyone does it, so make it legal.
-Tamil Tigers = LibDipper votes
-Special interest groups rule !
-Decisions, decisions; just sit on the fence, nobody moves, nobody gets hurt.

At 9:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy, the Conservative garble again, eh?

If voters are right, then they don't fully trust Harper. They voted out of anger and/or change, but only 5% to 9% voted for his policies. So, that may tell you something.

The old Liberals are out now and there are new kids on the block who had absolutely "nothing" to do with the past. You can't live in the past, if so, we'd never vote Conservatives because of the Mulroney corruption and scandals.

Time to grow up folks.

Boy the Conservative bloggers are a nasty bigoted bunch aren't they? I kind of feel sorry for them.

At 11:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this stuff. Politics is a lot like candy, only fewer calories.

I am concerned about the polarization occurring in Canada. Non-Conservative voters are doing the "knee jerk" on everything that comes out of this new minority government.

Bail out of a bad trade agreement that would ship close to a billion dollars to the Czech Republic & Russia (both are documented environmental disasters), just because they negotiated a better deal, non-C politicians and MSM are apopleptic.

Try and cut a trade agreement that brings 4 of 5 billion dollars home and non-C politicians and MSM are disgusted.

Buy some stuff for the military, use the military, and/or be proud of the military, and non-C politicians and MSM rub the new govt's nose in every casualty. For those of you that have forgotten, the Taliban did not respect other religions, women, or knowledge. Ignorant and sadistic men making decisions that included rape, stoning, bullets was pretty much the cutting edge of justice.

Defend and support Israel against a rabidly racist and violent terrorist group holding an entire country (i.e. Lebanon) by the balls, and watch the MSM atttack. Words like "nuanced", "balanced" and "neutral" come tripping across the lips of otherwise intelligent men and women.

The non-C adult in this country has to relax, catch their breath and let some fresh air and new thoughts enter our government. Think of this as OUR "Prague Spring". Our chance to renew our nation before the jack boot of political correctness, balance, and me-first city states comes seeping back in on the stength of super urbanites that may have never seen a caribou and certainly would never think of spending a week in Saskatchewan as anything but "yuck".




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